Nov 14, 2010


This weekend was really good, it went by way too fast! I'm not sure how I feel about starting another week of school at 7:30 tomorrow morning. 

Dinner at Beehive Grill with Kylie, Kandace, Tanille, Hannah, and Valerie 
 (yay for coupons!)

The three of us met our freshman year and have been great friends since. LOVE them!
Crazy-fun ladies. Love them too.

Congrats to Ky, the new AXO President!

Beehive brews their own root-beer. It's sooo good :)

Last night I babysat some of the cutest little girls ever. We made "Grateful Turkeys". 
Family, light, piano, home, scriptures and the ABC's...just to name a few.

I'm so grateful for family, friends, a job that keeps me (super) busy, the opportunity to learn and grow, the gospel, experiences that help me gain a stronger testimony, SLEEP, warm socks, smiling, tests of faith, and cute little kids that remind you that life is still fun!


Stacie said...

Okay, you got a blog and didn't text me? Jk, but seriously... I am so glad you have this blog so I can see all your awesome pictures. Your friends seem like a lot of fun, it kind of makes me miss my college days.

ashnicole said...

I thought I emailed you! I'm sorry! I miss you and wish we could hang out and have some sister time. Love you!

Aubrey said...

Love the list of things you're grateful for, especially warm socks. :) You need those in Logan! I miss you.

Heidi said...

Just be thankful that you don't have to wake up at 4:15 tomorrow like me to work. Love you sis!