Feb 23, 2011

a MOLDY situation

We had cleaning checks today. Apparently GIRLS like to get ready in very steamy places, thus creating all the mold in our windows and ceilings and cupboards. 
That is false. The male apartments were just as moldy.
I wish I would have taken a picture of our bathroom...the ceiling was practically black. An hour of scrubbing later, it looks as good as new! Yay. 
Oh. We failed the cleaning check. Thank you M.O.L.D.Y windows :)
I wish I had some exciting things to blog about. But I don't.
I started a new job yesterday...that is pretty exciting. Say hello to the newest and most inexperienced receptionist to date! (did you say it? hello)
That's right, ladies and gentlemen. I am now employed at Logan Peak Dental Care. If you need a dentist that is really great and reasonably priced...come on in! My boss is awesome. The staff is awesome. Oh, did I mention I work with my future hubby? Yeah, how lucky am I? :). I'll barely see him, since he'll be working in the patients mouths while I'm working in their files/schedules/other-stuff-I-have-no-idea-how-to-do-yet. Two days down and I'm enjoying it so far. 
That is NOT something I would call a moldy situation.
I'm still working for the Maxx, I think I love it too much to let it go at the moment. If I could just bring my Maxxinistas with me to the other side of town to help me answer phones...then I'd quit!
If anyone knows where to find cute light strings for decoration purposes (at a reasonable price) please dare to share.
Well blog-stalkers. Bon voyage. I will miss you. Until next time.

Look what I found. Yes that is the boy I fell in love with. And his bff Benzo.


Aubrey said...

Your new job sounds great! It's good to get experience in a variety of fields. Do you mean white Christmas twinkle lights? I'm sure we could all bring out our Christmas boxes and pull something together. Let me know if you need our donations. :)

Heidi said...

Haha Jon looks like he's 10 years old in that picture! I second Aubrey, we have white Christmas lights if that's what you're looking for. If not, I have no idea! :-) Miss you! And congrats on the new job. Now I just need a job.........any ideas?!!!!

Param Singh said...

Dental care job is always interesting and you can help patients to earn beautiful smile for all.

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